How to Conduct a Video Interview - Employer Advice

As we had to adapt our usual practices throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, video interviews have become the "new normal".
And with video interviewing boasting a number of benefits over traditional ‘face-to-face’ interviews, we may well be witnessing a permanent shift in the way interviews are conducted.
Video interviews are not only saving businesses time and money, they are also eliminating a number of factors that used to get in the way of the hiring process such as geographical discrimination. Employers and candidates can now conduct interviews regardless of their location, provided they have access to Wi-Fi and a computer or smart device. Less travel also means less co2 emissions, making video interviews a more environmentally friendly option.
Video interviews can also be a great way for employers to lessen the talent pool and eventually conduct face-to-face interviews with the remaining 2-3 potential candidates. They allow employers to get an insight into the potential candidate’s personality and enthusiasm towards the role.
Did you know? Wild Berry Associates is investing in video conferencing technology and can therefore help facilitate video interviews and remote assessment centres. To find out more and how we can support your recruitment strategy, please contact a member of our team. |
Video interviews can also be recorded and shared. As a result, employers can revisit the interview, send it to colleagues, and make better comparisons between potential candidates even after the video interviews are over.
So whether you are looking for some advice on conducting your first video interview, you're already an experienced video-interviewer or you’re considering the future of hiring within your business, we’ve put together some of our top tips!
When selecting a place to do your video interview, make sure it is a quiet, well lit area that has a strong internet connection. If you are doing it at home, be sure to make those you are living with you aware that you are conducting an interview.
Technology is great but it can be temperamental. Allocate some time before the interview to test your tech with a colleague. This is also a good opportunity for them to feedback on factors such as; lighting, sound and video quality to ensure that you give the best impression to your new potential employee.
Also, be sure to turn off all notifications on the computer or smart device you’re making the call from so your interviewee doesn’t hear notification sounds, and you won’t be distracted.
When sending confirmation of the date and time of the interview to the interviewee it is worth providing a brief outline of what the interview will entail.
Are you looking for a 30 minute informal chat to get to know each other? Will you be expecting them to complete a role play or scenario based exercise, and how much time has been set aside at the end for questions?
This not only gives the interviewee confidence that they know what to expect, but it also ensures that the interview is kept ‘on track’.
The interview is an opportunity to get to know your potential employee but it’s also an opportunity for them to get to know you and the business. Remind yourself of any perks or benefits your offer, potential opportunities for advancement and what a typical day in the role looks like.
By conducing an engaging video interview, you are more likely to find the right candidate and the candidate is more likely to feel positively about your company regardless of whether or not they are successful in obtaining the role.