The Ultimate New Employee Checklist

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While hiring a new employee can be stressful for employers, it can also affect fellow employees and other stakeholders. Being prepared for your new employee can make the process much smoother.

To help with the transition, we're prepared our ultimate new employee checklist.

Two weeks before they start
Being prepared prior to your new employee's arrival can help minimise pressure and feeling rushed on their first day. Two weeks before they start is an ideal time frame to work within so you have plenty of time around your everyday tasks.

  • Choose a mentor who will support and train the new recruit
  • Get feedback from current employees about their own onboarding experience
  • Pre order essential items such as computers, desks, or uniforms
  • Write a list of the new recruit's job expectations
  • Set a weekly goal schedule to help your recruit understand their weekly targets

Must-do's before their first day
Don't forget these last few tasks to ensure you and our co-workers are ready for the new recruit.

  • Schedule a colleague shadowing session to allow your recruit to understand the business' practices from multiple perspectives
  • Find your employee handbook to give your recruit a more formal outline of the business’ practices
  • Get work stations and access passes ready prior to their arrival
  • Set up an email account and ensure they have access to all necessary files

On their first day of work
Entering a new environment is never easy,  so ensuring you make your recruit comfortable and prepared throughout their first day is important for the onboarding process. 

  • Consider providing a company lunch to give the new recruit and current employees a chance to get to know one another
  • Prepare urgent paperwork to fill out on the first day (save time consuming paperwork for later in the week)
  • Check emails and work station to make sure everything is working soundly
  • Organise someone to greet your recruit to make sure they feel welcomed from the get go
  • Explain the job requirements and expectations to help your new employee set goals and be productive
  • Introduce your chosen mentor to ensure the recruit feels supported

During their first week of work
Be patient and understanding during this week. Ensure you make all of your business practices very clear, as this week will set up your recruit's career within your company.

  • Instantly begin with on-the-job training and show your recruit why their tasks are so important
  • Conduct reviews at the end of each day to make sure you are on the same page and they are feeling positive
  • Give them an ongoing assignment to help their understanding of the role
  • Complete any unfinished paperwork such as HR, payroll and contacts 

Throughout the first month
The first month should include continued support for your recruit and help them achieve business goals over time. Effective training in the first month of employment is crucial.

  • Explain the company's long term goals as well as for the department and individual
  • Gradually increase their responsibilities as the new recruit develops 
  • Schedule meetings to check in with your recruit

Evaluate performance after 90 days
After three months of employment, schedule a meeting with your recruit to collect feedback on their training and induction experience and update them on their progress.

Looking for staff? Submit your vacancy here or get in touch

Here is our Ultimate New Employee Checklist.
Click here to download a PDF version.