Why now is the perfect time to look for a new job.

It’s no secret - job hunting can be a nightmare! You spend hours crafting the perfect CV, even longer scouring the internet for the perfect role, and when you do finally find it, the application date has passed or there’s a 10 page application form to fill out. So why, especially if you are perfectly happy in your current role, would you want to start this process again?
Here are 5 reasons why now is the perfect time to start looking for a new role (even if you are happy)
1. Job hunting is a skill that needs to be refined.
It may sound crazy but many aspects of a job hunt require skill, and like any skills, you should practice them regularly to maintain and improve them.
Take CV writing for example. For some, writing about achievements and skills may come easily. But for others, this takes some practice, so you should look at and update your CV regularly. Get comfortable with shouting about your achievements (even if its only on paper for now) as this will help you gain confidence in your abilities and what you have achieved.
You can also refine your interview skills by giving prospective employers a call – especially if you see a job advert that piques your interest. It’s a great opportunity to explore your options while also gaining knowledge of other organisations. Even if you decide not to proceed with an application, you will have had the opportunity to expand your professional network and gain an understanding of why that opportunity wasn’t for you.
2. Don’t miss out on opportunities.
Unfortunately, we cannot predict when our dream job will be advertised. Which is why it’s important to check regularly (once a month is a good place to start).
This doesn’t mean you have to spend hours trawling the internet, but a quick browse while you are waiting for the kettle to boil, should be enough to keep you in the loop with any new ‘not to be missed’ opportunities in your industry.
Registering with a recruitment agency, or signing up for Job Alerts can also be a really easy way to ensure that you don’t miss out on those top jobs! Be honest with your recruitment consultant and talk to them about what you are looking for. They can keep your details on file and give you a call if something comes up!
3. Know your worth
Sometimes it can be hard to know your own professional worth, especially if you’ve been working in the same company for a while. Looking online for similar roles, and comparing your salary can be a great way to know if you’re being paid at a rate that is equivalent to your skill level.
Don’t forget, its not only about money. You should also consider any benefits you currently receive, such as health care, subsidised meals or staff discount programmes. Consider what benefits are important to you and whether you’d be willing to take a pay cut or pay rise, to gain or lose certain benefits.
4. Grow your professional network
Regardless of what stage you are at in your professional career, it is really important to continue to grow your network (as you never know when you might need some professional advice or recommendation). This is where having a trusted recruitment consultant can really help – they are experts within their field and will be in frequent contact with business owners and managers. Even if you are not looking to change roles right now, connecting with recruitment consultants, who are relevant to your chosen field, can be a great way to ‘keep an ear out’ for any new and exciting job opportunities that may arise.
5. Job seekers currently have the advantage
The UK employment rate is currently estimated at 75.5%, which is resulting in a ‘candidate-driven’ jobs market. Put simply, a ‘candidate-driven’ jobs market is where there are more job openings than there are skilled candidates to fill them. High quality candidates are, therefore, in high demand. In a candidate driven jobs market, it’s not uncommon for skilled candidates to receive multiple job offers, putting them in the driving seat to negotiate factors such as pay, training and benefits.
With this in mind, it is worth spending some time researching what types of skills are in demand in your sector (even if you are not currently looking to change roles). This may help highlight any opportunities for upskilling. Over time the jobs market will change and new skills will be required. By keeping in contact with the market and being open to new roles you can secure success both now and in the future.
Considering a career move? Why not contact a member of our team or browse our latest roles?